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Want to Volunteer and Join a Labor 2024 Canvass Knocking on Doors or Driving?

Andy O’Brien
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For the past few weeks we have been all over Maine knocking on doors in support of pro-labor candidates for the Maine Legislature as part of our Maine AFL-CIO Labor 2024 campaign. We are having great conversations with voters about issues that impact our lives like fair wages, health care, collective bargaining rights, affordable housing, child care, education, retirement security and more.

This year, multiple union members, who are graduates of our Maine AFL-CIO Worker Candidate Training program, are running for the Maine House and Senate — including Doris Poland (APWU), Matt Beck (IBEW 1837), Scott Cuddy (IBEW 1253), Kilton Webb (IBEW 567), Senator Mike Tipping (MSEA-SEIU 1989) and Scott Girardin (Laborers 327 & IAFF) — and they need our support!  Want to join one of our upcoming weekend canvasses going door o door?  

Sign up to volunteer to help elect pro-union candidates!

We need folks to volunteer as canvassers or drivers, so if you are up for doing a shift on a weekend or an afternoon,let us know. We have upcoming canvassing events in Old Town, Lewiston, Durham, Windham, Searsport and other towns.

In addition to volunteer opportunities, we have raised some resources to hire paid canvassers so if you are interested in making some money for an excellent cause sign up!

Lots of these state legislative races are going to be very close and each of us can make a big difference! State House races often come down to just a handful of votes.  Every conversation with a voter counts!

We are also building a team of public union members supporting Jared Golden for Congress.  If you want to join that list,fill out our form and check the box.