Union Members Help Clean Up & Transform Former Jay Union Hall Into Western Maine Labor Council Local 14 Solidarity Center

Members of the UMaine Graduate Workers Union, IBEW and DSA along with staff from the Charles A. Scontras Center for Labor and Community Education visited the Western Maine Labor Council Local 14 Solidarity Center (formerly the USW Local 14 hall) in Jay to clean it up and help archive labor materials, clean up the hall and transform it into a new labor council headquarters and center for labor education.
“I remain in awe of Saturday's Cleaning/Archive Day at WMLC Local 14 Solidarity Center — an extraordinary event marked by heightened productivity and collaboration,” said Western Maine Labor Council President Linda Deane. “The accumulation of items was substantial, and now some of the rooms resonate with echoes. Those who have been in the hall over the last two days can hardly believe the extent of what was moved and disposed of. Additionally, there is relief and satisfaction in knowing that the historical artifacts from the Strike of '87 are being archived for the future.”
The Western Maine Labor Council held its first meeting at the Local 14 Solidarity Center last month. Deane said about eighteen people from Portland, Bangor and Brewer worked with WMLC to kickstart the transformation of the Solidarity Center dream into reality.
“Representing the WMLC, I extend sincere gratitude to all participants. Your unwavering commitment and hard work have taken us a step closer to realizing our vision for a fully operational Solidarity Center,” Deane continued. “The overwhelming support and enthusiasm from everyone involved is truly inspiring.”
Deane said she plans to soon hold another cleaning/archive day that will focus on organizing paperwork stored upstairs. If you would like to help out or just drop by the hall for a cup of coffee and a tour of the building email Linda at sterlin@roadrunner.com