Stagehands at State Theatre, Thompson's Point File for Union with IATSE 114

Stagehands who bring live concerts to life at the State Theatre and Thompson's Point have come together to have a collective voice on the job, and have filed with the National Labor Relations Board to unionize. On Tuesday, the group presented their employer with a letter announcing their union.
"Working people in many industries are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of living and we are no different. We are unionizing so that we may collectively navigate these uncertain times, for the longevity of careers and the historic theater we all love so much," said Matt Doiron, stagehand.
"An equitable seat at the negotiating table is something I believe every worker is entitled to, and that's exactly what we are fighting for,” said Tim Meehan, stagehand. “I view organizing a union as a positive all around. Not only is this good for the production staff but I think it will be positive for the venue as a whole and the community we serve," he said.
The production crew is organizing with IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) Local 114, which is based in Portland.
"We’re so lucky to have an incredible space, a knockout crew, and the ability to work in the industry we all love so much. We’re taking the passion we have for this job seriously, and coming together as a group to ensure that not only we, but also future generations of production workers have an open path of communication with management to maintain the high quality and standards we set for ourselves,” said stagehand Jay Law. “I really love this company, the venues we get to work for, and especially the team I get to do it all with. We’re organizing a union so that we can in turn create a stronger environment not only for ourselves but for everyone who comes after us.”
“Our crew at the theatre is consistently praised as the best team many shows have worked with on their tours,” said stagehand Allie Taylor. “We have organized so that we are not only recognized for our hard work, but fairly compensated,” she said.
“Management says they want to protect the people who work here, and yet we struggle to access even the basic protections, such as workers’ comp, that we currently do have. That’s why I’m doing this,” said Kevin Lee, stagehand.
“We are a diverse, highly skilled group who deserve to be valued with more than just high praise. We have organized to negotiate for regional, industry-standard wages and access to benefits for all production staff, as well as future employees,” said Brian Cormier, stagehand.
The group will hold a National Labor Relations Board election in the coming weeks to certify their union. There are nearly 35 stagehands who would be included in the bargaining unit.
"The stagehands and stage technicians of Crobo, LLC, the driving force behind the scenes for all of the shows at the State Theatre and Thompson's Point, receive continual praise for their professionalism from nearly every touring act that comes through. Their work ethic and reputation is recognized and IATSE Local 114 is beyond excited to call them our brothers, sisters, and kin. I look forward to a mutually beneficial and fair bargaining process with their employer," said Devon Medeiros, Business Agent, IATSE Local 114.