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POSTPONED: Meeting & Rally to Oppose Plan to Consolidate Postal Services & Delay Mail Delivery in Brewer - Fri. Feb. 2

Andy O’Brien
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A meeting and rally for postal workers (APWU) in Brewer originally scheduled for February 2 has been postponed until further notice. Stay tune and we will up you when we get the new date!


Postal workers with APWU 536 are speaking out against continual changes to the Postal Service by Poster Master Louis DeJoy and his "Delivering for America" plan (more aptly described as the  "Delaying For America" plan.) The Bangor area Local is also coordinating a rally earlier in the afternoon with details to follow.

For years, postal workers have been fighting management's attempts to consolidate services provided by the Eastern Maine Processing and Distribution Center facility in Hampden with its other facility in Scarborough 130 miles away. Such a plan would certainly cause delays in mail delivery for rural Maine customers. Although the USPS announced earlier this month that it would not be closing its distribution center in Hampden, it does intend to move some mail processing operations  to the Scarborough facility.

Speaking to the Bangor Daily News, APWU 536 President Robert Perocchi, who represents clerks and other workers at the Hampden facility, said that while management's claims the plan will not lead to "career employee layoffs," it could causes job losses through attrition or relocation.

“There is no transparency here,” Perocchi told the BDN earlier this month. “They are bundling up something that sounds like the latest and greatest thing, but they haven’t provided any details as to how they came to this determination. If they move operations and machinery, it will affect jobs, even if it’s not immediate.”

Perrochi was forced to file unfair labor charges against the agency after it repeatedly refused to be transparent about its plan