Postal Workers & Community Protest Consolidation Proposal, Tell Community to Attend Public Meeting on Feb. 29 in Brewer

Postal workers (APWU), fellow union members and mail customers picketed in Orono, Old Town, Brewer, Hampden and Bangor on Saturday to protest a USPS proposal that would delay mail deliveries for USPS customers in Northern and Central Maine.
The US Postal Service is seeking to consolidate outgoing mail processing from the Hampden facility to the distribution center in Scarborough. This would result in the loss union jobs for postal workers in Hampden and delayed mail delivery for customers in rural Maine where we rely on the USPS for the delivery of medications and other critical mail.
The picketers also held signs to notify the public about the USPS’s town hall meeting in Brewer on February 29th at 3pm to hear public comments about the proposal. The event will be held at Jeff's Catering & Event center, 15 Event Center Way in Brewer. If you live in the area we strongly encourage you to attend and call on the USPS to protect mail delivery and save postal jobs!