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Postal Jobs Bootcamp Achieves 75 percent Success Rate in Helping Workers Get Hired for Postal Jobs

Andy O’Brien
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Last Thursday March 7, postal unions, the Maine AFL-CIO and the Peer Workforce Navigator Project held the third Postal Jobs Bootcamp at the USPS distribution center in Scarborough. Nine participants attended the day-long event, spending the morning listening to members from different postal unions talk about their unions and their work and hearing about the many benefits of being a USPS employee. After the presentations, participants were given a tour of the facility and a delicious lunch before beginning the application process.

On computers provided by USPS Human Resources, participants completed their profiles on the USPS website and applied for the jobs they were most interested in. There were postal employees and navigators available to help with any issues that arose, and all participants were able to complete their applications.

The Postal Jobs Bootcamps have been very successful in helping people get jobs at USPS, with a 75 percent success rate. There will be a bootcamp at the facility every other month in 2024, in May, July, September and November. Anyone interested in attending can complete this application: or can call Leslie, the AFL-CIO navigator, directly at 207-441-5023.  If you want to learn more about union postal job opportunities or want support applying for a job immediately you can contact Leslie.