Portland Firefighter/EMTs Save Life of Saco Firefighter

The Saco Professional Firefighters (IAFF 2300) are praising their brothers and sisters with the Portland firefighters (IAFF 740) for saving the life of one of their members in Portland on January 20. The 22-year old male reportedly went into cardiac arrest while at dinner, but due to the quick actions of his girlfriend and the Portland firefighters, they were able to regain a pulse and transport him to MMC for further care, according to Local 2300. Earlier this week, the union reported that the man was in the cardiac ICU in stable condition and undergoing numerous tests.
“He is currently in great spirits and is very appreciative of the overwhelming support offered by his firefighter family from not only Saco but also Buxton and Portland. The actions of PFD Medcu 1, Ladder 1, Engine 5 and Car 9 along with his girlfriend starting immediate CPR certainly saved our brother's life,” the union wrote on Facebook. "He is expected to be released back home in the coming days but certainly has a long road ahead of him.”
The family of the man also released a statement extending its appreciation for “the tremendous outpouring of love, unwavering support, and amazing generosity and dedication” shown by IAFF 740 members.
“We are forever grateful for the quick and beyond heroic action of his girlfriend, and the miraculous expediency and expertise of The Portland Fire team for ultimately saving our son’s life,” they wrote. “This life changing event has been made more bearable by the enormous firefighter family that surrounds our son. To the heroes of Portland, Saco, and Buxton Fire we extend our deepest appreciation and love to all of you. For everything you have done, and will continue to do in remarkable support of our amazing son, we are in awe and forever grateful."