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MDOT Workers Call on Governor & Lawmakers to Invest in Roads & Wages

Andy O’Brien
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“Forty-two and a half hours straight is the longest time that I’ve plowed continuously. That was the bomb cyclone of 2017. You see double-vision, triple vision when you get that tired.” says MDOT worker Brian Markey (MSEA-SEIU 1989) in a new video produced by the Maine Service Employees Association.

After years of tax cuts for the wealthy and chronic underfunding, the working people who plow and fix our roads are struggling due to low wages. As a result, the Department of Transportation is not recruiting and retaining the qualified workforce it needs.

Markey said that he has recently taken on a part-time job to pay for repairs on his house and is now working seven days a week to stay afloat.

Tell the Mills administration and your local legislators to boost MDOT funding to fix our roads and bridges and pay MDOT workers fair wages.