Watch & Share Our New Video Promoting a Labor Education Center
Our dear friend Dr. Charlie Scontras was a passionate researcher and promoter of labor education in Maine because he knew that when workers understand where their rights come from they become much more engaged in their unions and never take anything for granted.
Please check out the video above featuring union members, educators, organizer and author Peter Kellman and Charlie's daughter, Dianna, delivering powerfully moving testimonies in support of LD 1816 "An Act To Promote Labor Education through the University of Maine System." This bill would establish a new labor and community education center at the University of Southern Maine in Charlie's name and expand the capacity and funding of the University of Maine's Bureau of Labor Education.
Can you share this video with your friends and co-workers? If you don't have a Facebook account, you can also view the video on YouTube and Instagram!
LD 1816 has passed the Maine House and Senate, but now the Legislature's Appropriations Committee is deciding whether to fund this critical bill to strengthen labor education. They need to hear how important this proposal is to Maine workers. Click here to send them an email urging them to fund labor education.