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A mosaic of members holding signs about voting

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Take Action

Demand a NAFTA replacement that puts people and planet before corporate profits!

Click here to sign the petition to demand a NEW NAFTA that will benefit Maine workers, not hurt us.


Our nation’s trade agreements should support good jobs and a safe environment – not corporations that offshore jobs and pollute our air, water, and climate. But right now, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a disaster for our communities.

NAFTA eliminates jobs, erodes wages, increases pollution, and undermines critical environmental and health protections, harming lower-income families, people of color, and nearly everyone who is not a big corporation.

NAFTA is now being renegotiated, so our coalition needs 100,000 people to speak out right away, demanding a NAFTA replacement that supports our communities – not corporate polluters. Can we count on you to add your voice?

Add your name right now to tell Congress: Demand a NAFTA replacement that puts people and planet before corporate profits!

Rights and Protections for All Working Families

Millions of undocumented immigrants, who are vital to our economic recovery, still live in fear because of our outdated and inhumane immigration system. It’s time to put an end to this injustice. Tell your senators to pass a budget that includes a broad pathway to citizenship.

Make a Call

Support the Strike

Our Mine Workers (UMWA) union family is on strike against management at Warrior Met Coal. Add your name to say you support their fight for a fair contract.

Lend Your Support